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Thursday, August 28, 2008


I have suddenly realised I can now vent my spleen on my blog rather than keeping my anger and fury pent up. I am sure it is healthier and who knows, somebody might even listen!

Back when I and the world were young and the internet was two tin cans connected by a piece of string I signed up for email with Netscape, Yahoo! and Hotmail. Within a short period of time I dropped Netscape and Hotmail and Yahoo! became a trusted friend.

However in the past year the Yahoo! email service has become such a nightmare that I am now hurriedly ditching it.

First there was the new style system which was so odious I soon dumped it opting to stay with the old one.

Luckily I am not susceptible to epileptic fits but I have hurriedly had to exit from the Yahoo! mail system in recent months because it carries advertising banners that flash at you to a dangerous degree. These have caused my head and eyes to ache and for me to feel disorientated – so heaven knows what effect they have on epileptic suffers.

Another annoying factor is when I save a document on some of my accounts it is deleted as soon as I eventually send it. On others, it stays in the saved box for future use, as it always previously did.

Emails from contacts or replies to my emails are shunted off to Spam whilst emails in Chinese or telling me I’ve won a lottery I never entered proudly sit in my inbox.

Over last weekend and on Monday it was virtually impossible to enter the email section from the Yahoo! homepage. Click on the icon and either nothing happened or the page went to unobtainable. The only way I could access my mail was via the sports section. Just as well Charlton won as I had to keep reading about it!

For the past two days I have been able to click on the email icon but then ended up on a page which said “access has been refused”. I also encountered that page as I exited one email account and tried to access another one. Last night I spent over 30 minutes just trying to access three accounts. I wondered was it just me so asked other Yahoo! users –and no – it’s just Yahoo!

Fine! I’ve now switched my emails to Google (gmail) and to a subscription service and to date – no problems. Trouble is I still have to check my old Yahoo! Accounts and hence this angry blog.


Anonymous said...

Before I read your blog I was in tears having spent a morning trying to access my Yahoo emails. I could get the homepage but not the email section. I am now going to Google!
Thanks, Rachel

Anonymous said...

I have a Yahoo.com email account and every time you exit it goes in to limbo - a blank page - so you have to go back to the home page and access email again. Madness! Trev

Anonymous said...

Its Yaboo Monday! Virtually impossible to enter the email. When you exit and try to access another email account it either does nothing or goes to a not obtainable page. I've had to close down and start up the internet connection again. Aaaarrrrh - whose needs this on a Monday of all days! Steve.

Anonymous said...

What a great Yahoo day! Try logging in to your email. On average it takes three tries before it will accept your name and password. I wonder what tomorrow's surprise will be? Harvey